Space Mining Tycoon (Roblox) Wiki
Space Mining Tycoon (Roblox) Wiki

Spice up your ride with a new hover trails! Use this trail on any of your hover cars, forever!


Yellow is a Trail bought from the Premium Shop that makes a yellow trail appear behind the user's Hovercar when driving it. It costs 10 R$ to purchase.


Space Mining Tycoon
Ores, Tools & Transportation
Ores Copper OreIron OreSilver OreGold OreFirestoneEmerald OreSapphire OreRuby OrePlatinum OreDiamond OreObsidianBlue Crystal
Essential Features Base EditorBuild ToolCreditExpand PlotPlayer BasePremium ShopSettingsTool SelectorTutorial
Transportation Basic RoverPod RoverSubma RoverFormula 2 RoverClassy RoverHeavy PodRocketHovercar SpawnRocket Landing PadPublic Landing Area
Tools Rusty PickMetal PickIndustrial PickHybrid PickHyper PickExtended Hyper PickBreatherPack 1Pack 2Pack 3
Objects ExplosiveBolt CuttersBattery